------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- Uchuu-nu2GC catalogues ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uchuu-nu2GC catalogues with a number of galaxy and AGN properties. The size of the box is 2 h^-1 Gpc. If you use the Uchuu + nu2GC galaxy catalogues, please cite the following two papers. 1. "Uchuu-nu2GC galaxies and AGN: Cosmic variance forecasts of high-redshift AGN for JWST, Euclid, and LSST", Taira Oogi, Tomoaki Ishiyama, Francisco Prada, Manodeep Sinha, Darren Croton, Sofía A. Cora, Eric Jullo, Anatoly A. Klypin, Masahiro Nagashima, J. López Cacheiro, José Ruedas, Masakazu A. R. Kobayashi, Ryu Makiya, arXiv:2207.14689 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2022arXiv220714689O/ 2. "The Uchuu Simulations: Data Release 1 and Dark Matter Halo Concentrations", Tomoaki Ishiyama, Francisco Prada, Anatoly A. Klypin, Manodeep Sinha, R. Benton Metcalf, Eric Jullo, Bruno Altieri, Sofía A. Cora, Darren Croton, Sylvain de la Torre, David E. Millán-Calero, Taira Oogi, José Ruedas, Cristian A. Vega-Martínez, MNRAS, 506, 4210, https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021MNRAS.506.4210I/ Then, please consider adding this text to the Acknowledgements section of your paper(s): http://www.skiesanduniverses.org/Simulations/Uchuu/UchuuCredits/ ------------------------------ Structure of data ----------------------------- At each redshift, the data is stored in separated directories, galdir_. The correspondence between and redshift is given here. http://www.skiesanduniverses.org/resources/Uchuu_snapshot_redshift_scalefactor.txt The file name is set according to the below rule. Uchuu_nu2GC___.h5 data_id: [1-5] The data is divided into five categories (filename data1-data5): data1: Basic data2: Additional galaxy properties data3: Additional halo properties data4: Rest frame magnitudes data5: Observer frame magnitudes For more detail, please see the "Description of galaxy properties" section below. subvolume_id: [0-19] The data is divided into 20 subvolumes. At z=0, each has an approximately 100 x 2000 x 2000 (h-^1 Mpc)^3 eulerian comoving volume. For each subvolume, central galaxies with the x-axis of [100 x : 100 x ( + 1) ) are selected. Past interacted merger tree forests with those central galaxies are also included in the corresponding file in order to avoid splitting a forest (and also satellites) in multiple files. When you want to get merger trees of galaxies, it is enough to search merger tree files with the id of 100 x <= id < 100 x ( + 1). When you want to get halo/subhalo properties (without history) of galaxies, it is enough to search rockstar extended files with the id of 5 x <= id < 5 x ( + 1). ------------------------------ Reading the files ----------------------------- A sample script calculating a table of the stellar mass is given here. http://skun.iaa.es/SUsimulations/UchuuDR2/Uchuu_nu2GC/uchuu_nu2gc_smf.py ---------------------- Description of galaxy properties ---------------------- The following datasets are stored in each hdf5 file with a filename ending in data1.h5: HostHaloID Pointer to dark-matter halo in which galaxy resides; identical to id in the ROCKSTAR halo catalog, not applicable for orphan galaxies MainHaloID Pointer to dark-matter halo in which galaxy orbits GalaxyType 0=central galaxy, 1=satellite galaxy, 2=orphan galaxy X/Y/Z Galaxy position in comoving Mpc/h. To orphan galaxies, the host's position is given MstarBulge Galaxy bulge stellar mass, in units Msun/h MstarDisk Galaxy disk stellar mass, in units Msun/h McoldBulge Galaxy bulge gas mass, in units Msun/h McoldDisk Galaxy disk gas mass, in units Msun/h SFR Total SFR, in units Msun/Gyr/h HaloMass Halo virial mass, in units Msun/h. To orphan galaxies, the host's halo mass is given The following datasets are stored in each hdf5 file with a filename ending in data2.h5: Mhot Total hot gas mass in galaxy, in units Msun/h Mbh Black hole mass, in units Msun/h MeanAgeStars Rest frame V-band luminosity weighted stellar age, in units Gyr ZstarBulge Mass-weighted mean stellar metallicity of bulge. -99 for no bulge stars ZstarDisk Mass-weighted mean stellar metallicity of disk. -99 for no disk stars MZgasDisk Mass of metals in gas component of disk, in units Msun LumAgnBol AGN bolometric luminosity, in units erg/s LumAgnXray AGN hard X-ray (2-10keV) luminosity, in units erg/s MagAgnUV AGN UV (1450A) magnitude (AB mag), 128.0 for no AGN activity The following datasets are stored in each hdf5 file with a filename ending in data3.h5: Vx/Vy/Vz Galaxy velocity in physical km/s, peculiar. To orphan galaxies, the host's velocity is given Vmax Maximum Circular velocity, physical km/s. To orphan galaxies, the host's Vmax is given Concentration NFW concentration of galaxy's dark-matter halo, rvir/rs. -1 for orphan galaxies SpinParameter Spin parameter of galaxy's dark-matter halo. -1 for orphan galaxies. The following datasets are stored in each hdf5 file with a filename ending in data4.h5: Magnitudes are given in AB magnitude MagStar_SDSSu Magnitude in rest SDSS up-band MagStard_SDSSu Magnitude in rest SDSS up-band including dust MagStar_SDSSg Magnitude in rest SDSS gp-band MagStard_SDSSg Magnitude in rest SDSS gp-band including dust MagStar_SDSSr Magnitude in rest SDSS rp-band MagStard_SDSSr Magnitude in rest SDSS rp-band including dust MagStar_SDSSi Magnitude in rest SDSS ip-band MagStard_SDSSi Magnitude in rest SDSS ip-band including dust MagStar_SDSSz Magnitude in rest SDSS zp-band MagStard_SDSSz Magnitude in rest SDSS zp-band including dust MagStar_2MASSJ Magnitude in rest 2MASS J band MagStard_2MASSJ Magnitude in rest 2MASS J band including dust MagStar_2MASSH Magnitude in rest 2MASS H band MagStard_2MASSH Magnitude in rest 2MASS H band including dust MagStar_2MASSK Magnitude in rest 2MASS Ks band MagStard_2MASSK Magnitude in rest 2MASS Ks band including dust MagStar_GALEXFUV Magnitude in rest GALEX FUV band MagStard_GALEXFUV Magnitude in rest GALEX FUV band including dust MagStar_GALEXNUV Magnitude in rest GALEX NUV band MagStard_GALEXNUV Magnitude in rest GALEX NUV band including dust The following datasets are stored in each hdf5 file with a filename ending in data5.h5: Magnitudes are given in AB magnitude AppMagStar_SDSSu Apparent magnitude in SDSS up-band AppMagStard_SDSSu Apparent magnitude in SDSS up-band including dust AppMagStar_SDSSg Apparent magnitude in SDSS gp-band AppMagStard_SDSSg Apparent magnitude in SDSS gp-band including dust AppMagStar_SDSSr Apparent magnitude in SDSS rp-band AppMagStard_SDSSr Apparent magnitude in SDSS rp-band including dust AppMagStar_SDSSi Apparent magnitude in SDSS ip-band AppMagStard_SDSSi Apparent magnitude in SDSS ip-band including dust AppMagStar_SDSSz Apparent magnitude in SDSS zp-band AppMagStard_SDSSz Apparent magnitude in SDSS zp-band including dust AppMagStar_HSCg Apparent magnitude in HSC g band AppMagStard_HSCg Apparent magnitude in HSC g band including dust AppMagStar_HSCr Apparent magnitude in HSC r band AppMagStard_HSCr Apparent magnitude in HSC r band including dust AppMagStar_HSCi Apparent magnitude in HSC i band AppMagStard_HSCi Apparent magnitude in HSC i band including dust AppMagStar_HSCz Apparent magnitude in HSC z band AppMagStard_HSCz Apparent magnitude in HSC z band including dust AppMagStar_HSCy Apparent magnitude in HSC y band AppMagStard_HSCy Apparent magnitude in HSC y band including dust