#scale(0) id(1) desc_scale(2) desc_id(3) num_prog(4) pid(5) upid(6) desc_pid(7) phantom(8) sam_mvir(9) #mvir(10) rvir(11) rs(12) vrms(13) mmp?(14) scale_of_last_MM(15) vmax(16) x(17) y(18) z(19) #vx(20) vy(21) vz(22) Jx(23) Jy(24) Jz(25) Spin(26) Breadth_first_ID(27) Depth_first_ID(28) Tree_root_ID(29) #Orig_halo_ID(30) Snap_num(31) Next_coprogenitor_depthfirst_ID(32) Last_progenitor_depthfirst_ID(33) Last_mainleaf_depthfirst_ID(34) Tidal_Force(35) Tidal_ID(36) #Rs_Klypin(37) Mmvir_all(38) M200b(39) M200c(40) M500c(41) M2500c(42) Xoff(43) Voff(44) Spin_Bullock(45) # b_to_a(46) c_to_a(47) A[x](48) A[y](49) A[z](50) b_to_a(500c)(51) c_to_a(500c)(52) A[x](500c)(53) A[y](500c)(54) A[z](500c)(55) # T/|U|(56) M_pe_Behroozi(57) M_pe_Diemer(58) Macc(59) Mpeak(60) Vacc(61) Vpeak(62) Halfmass_Scale(63) # Acc_Rate_Inst(64) Acc_Rate_100Myr(65) Acc_Rate_1*Tdyn(66) Acc_Rate_2*Tdyn(67) Acc_Rate_Mpeak(68) # Mpeak_Scale(69) Acc_Scale(70) First_Acc_Scale(71) First_Acc_Mvir(72) First_Acc_Vmax(73) Vmax\@Mpeak(74) # Tidal_Force_Tdyn(75) Log_(Vmax/Vmax_max(Tdyn;Tmpeak))(76) Time_to_future_merger(77) Future_merger_MMP_ID(78) #Omega_M = 0.307115; Omega_L = 0.692885; h0 = 0.677700 #Full box size = 1000.000000 Mpc/h #Scale: Scale factor of halo. #ID: ID of halo (unique across entire simulation). #Desc_Scale: Scale of descendant halo, if applicable. #Descid: ID of descendant halo, if applicable. #Num_prog: Number of progenitors. #Pid: ID of least massive host halo (-1 if distinct halo). #Upid: ID of most massive host halo (different from Pid when the halo is within two or more larger halos).